Low frequency pulsed electromagnetic waves, whether generated by the geomagnetic field of the Earth (0.5-1 gauss) or artificially via PEMF machines (1000+ gauss), can influence organic cells in several ways.

Stimulating Ion Transport

Electromagnetic waves can affect the flow of ions through cell membranes, stimulating the transport of charged particles such as sodium, potassium, and calcium into and out of cells. This can trigger a variety of cellular responses, including changes in membrane potential, protein synthesis, and enzyme activity.

Increasing Cellular Energy Production

Electromagnetic waves can also stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule that cells use to store and transport energy. This can enhance cellular metabolism, increase oxygen uptake, and improve overall cellular function.

Modulating Gene Expression

Electromagnetic waves can influence the expression of genes, activating or inhibiting specific cellular pathways. This can lead to changes in cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival.

Enhancing Circulation

Electromagnetic waves can improve circulation by increasing blood flow and promoting the dilation of blood vessels. This can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells, as well as remove waste products and toxins.

Overall, the process by which low frequency pulsed electromagnetic waves influence organic cells is complex and multifaceted, involving a range of biological processes and mechanisms. This list is by no means exhaustive. The effects of electromagnetic waves on cells have been extensively studied and documented, and it’s proving to be beneficial for a variety of therapeutic applications, improving the rate of healing, and overall health.
